Casino: 100 Word Story
By Paloma Santamarina
They all drive up in different moods, different cars, different backstories, but the same idea
in their brains. They give me their car keys, they pop their collars, and walk inside, dreaming of
green and a metallic smell that opens the door to anything they’ve ever dreamed of.
I just park the car.
They walk out in two different ways: head held high, hands a-waving, their pockets heavier with
the key to life. Or they walk out with hunched backs, shame and self-hatred weighing them
down, muttering how coming here was always a mistake.
I just drive the car out.
Paloma Santamarina is a fifteen-year-old sophomore at Kinder HSPVA. He’s a big fan of humorous stories, playwriting, and flash fiction. 100 word stories are some of his favorite things to read because of the detail that needs to be conveyed in so few words! If he’s not writing, you can probably find him listening to music (he’s a pretty big Dylan fan) or walking his dog Tessie.